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Dana McDaniel

Dana McDaniel

Deputy Director, Division of State Initiatives

Dana McDaniel serves as the Deputy Director of the District of Columbia Department of Employment Services (DOES) Division of State Initiatives (DSI).  In her role as Deputy Director, she is directly responsible for more than $10M in local, federal and specific-purpose funds administered by the District of Columbia and the federal government for workforce development programs and job readiness training.
Dana R. McDaniel is motivated and diligent community service specialist certified in community and individual interventions, intense therapeutic rehabilitative techniques, and experienced working with community partners to increase individual and community success.
Previously, Dana served as the Deputy Director for The Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement, which specializes in fostering community-based strategies to help prevent violence and increase public safety. In this capacity, Ms. McDaniel managed agency programming and community-based services focused on providing resources and interventions for at-risk individuals in at-risk communities impacted by violence in the district with a particular focus and oversight of the agency’s Violence Prevention & Intervention Initiative.
Ms. McDaniel functioned as The Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services Deputy Superintendent of Treatment for New Beginnings Youth Development Center, providing rehabilitative treatment to detained justice-involved youth. In this capacity, Ms. McDaniel launched the Family Engagement Division, a parent-driven approach to supporting youth rehabilitation and also led programmatic strategic planning for the rehabilitation facility with goals established based upon federal performance-based standards for juvenile programs.
Ms. McDaniel is credited for the development and implementation of The Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services’ Credible Messenger Initiative, a community-based wrap-around transformative mentoring program that provides holistic interventions to youth and their families. The Credible Messenger Initiative has since evolved into a national model.
Ms. McDaniel’s career expands across many disciplines including workforce development & education, community support services and clinical interventions. Ms. McDaniel also has deep rooted relationships with many community based organizations across the District.
Ms. McDaniel is a 4th generation Washington, D.C. native with over 25 years of experience in human services and graduate from the University of Maryland College Park with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology & Criminal Justice. Professional certifications include Strategic Planning, Community Interventions, Positive Youth Development, Restorative Justice, Trauma Informed Care, Therapeutic Counseling and Crisis Behavioral Interventions.