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Basic Apprenticeship Standards

Basic Apprenticeship Standards

Below are the 25 minimum basic standard items required for submitting proposed apprenticeship standards. Narratives for each item on the program implementation are also required.

Apprenticeship Standards

Items Description


The standard must describe the purpose of the proposed apprenticeship program training.

Eligibility Requirements

The standard must identify requirements for applicants to be eligible for apprenticeship consideration.

Selection Procedure

The standard must identify a notification, recruitment, selection and a rating system for applicants.

Term of Apprenticeship

The standards must provide 2,000 hours of on-the-job training per year for any occupation.

Provision for Related Training

The standard must identify type(s) of related instruction or supplemental training apprentices will receive. A sponsor is responsible for the tuition of the apprentice(s).

Wages for Apprentices

The standard must show progressive wages in percentage for apprentices during the training period of apprenticeship.

Equal Employment Opportunity Pledge

The standard must include an Equal Employment Opportunity Pledge according to DC State Plan.

Supervision of Apprentices

The standard must ensure that apprentices will be under proper supervision.


The standards must include the safety of apprentices, both on-the-job and related instruction

Registration of Apprentices

The standard must identify the procedures for official registration of apprentices with the DC Apprenticeship Council.


The standard must indicate that a sponsor will notify the DC Office of Apprenticeship (Registration Agency) of all apprentice actions.

Probation Period

The probationary period for apprentices is 90 days.

Affirmative Action Plan

The standard should identify the recruitment and selection of minority and women apprentices according to the DC State Plan.

Maintenance of Apprenticeship Record

All apprenticeship records must be maintained for five years. Apprenticeship sponsors must also identify a District street address for maintaining apprenticeship records.

Complaint Procedures

The procedures for apprenticeship complaints must be included and be in accordance with DC Apprenticeship Council Rules and Regulations.

Deregistration of Apprenticeship Program

Apprenticeship programs may be voluntarily canceled by the apprenticeships sponsor or the program can be deregistration by the Apprenticeship Council of cause.

Cancellation of Apprenticeship Agreement

An Apprenticeship Registration Agreement may be voluntarily canceled by the apprentice or the sponsor can cancel (terminate) the apprentices' agreement for cause.

Work Process

Apprenticeship standards must include a work process that identifies the skilled task areas of the apprentice able occupation(s).

Periodic Evaluation

The apprenticeship sponsor identifies assessment of apprentices' performance (on-the-job and related instruction) during the apprentice training period.

Completion Requirement

The apprenticeship sponsor will identify all apprentices who successfully complete their apprenticeship training and request the Registration Agency to issue apprenticeship completion certificates.

Granting Advance Credit

The apprenticeship sponsor may grant apprentices credit(s) toward their apprenticeship training up to a 1/4 of the apprenticeship term without the DC Apprenticeship Council's approval. Request to the Apprenticeship Council can be made for additional credits for the apprentice.

Provision for Modifications or Amendment to Apprenticeship Standards

The apprenticeships sponsor may submit amendments and modifications to apprenticeships standards at any time during the program registration for approval. All proposed amendments and modifications must receive DC Apprenticeship Council approval prior to implementation.

Proper Signature(s) to Apprenticeship Standards

All apprenticeship standards must have proper signature(s) of the apprenticeship sponsor and registration.

Apprenticeship Numeral Ratio

The DC Apprenticeship numerical ratio requires one (1) apprentice to every three (3) journey-works.

Statement of Compliance

The standard must include a statement indicating that the sponsor's program will be operated in accordance with DC Rules and Regulations for Apprenticeship and the DC State Plan for Equal Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeship and Training.