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CRB Electronic Filing Information Page

Electronic Filing Rules

On October 15, 2019, the Compensation Review Board (CRB) will begin its mandatory efiling program for all new cases initiated on or after October 15, 2019.The Quick Guide for Filers: contains information on how to use the efile system. For a new case at the CRB, click the New Case button and select Compensation Review Board for the court.

The following rules shall apply to efiling at the CRB and are effective October 15, 2019:

EF-1 Electronic Filing at the CRB is mandatory. All documents filed at the CRB must be filed electronically in accordance with procedures established by the CRB. For good cause shown, the Chief Administrative Appeals Judge may permit a document or documents to be filed in paper form. Within two business days of filing, a paper copy of the document(s) filed electronically must also be either hand-delivered or mailed by first-class mail to the CRB.

EF-2. Registration Requirement. If you already have registered and received an account to use efiling at the Administrative Hearings Division, you do not need to register again to use the CRB’s program. If you have not registered for an efiling account, you may do so by following the procedure identified at or you may request to visit the CRB office and CRB staff will help you register.

EF-3. Consent and Personal Service. Registering for efiling with the CRB shall be considered consent to receive electronic notice and electronic service of all CRB decisions, orders, and all other case-related filings and documents. Electronic notice and electronic service shall constitute personal service of all CRB decisions, orders, and all other case-related filings and documents.

EF-4. Technical or System Errors. A party whose document was not filed due to a technical error or because the efiling program is off-line shall immediately notify the CRB at [email protected].

If a party is prevented from using the CRB efiling program because it is off-line or otherwise unavailable for a substantial part of the day, any document that is filed on the next available day that the CRB efiling program can receive documents shall be considered filed on the day the program was off-line or unavailable.

EF-5. When a document is considered efiled. A document that is timely submitted and accepted will be considered filed at the time the document was submitted to the CRB efiling program. A document that is submitted on a holiday or other day that the CRB is closed is considered filed on the next day that the CRB is open.

EF-6. Time for filing. The CRB efiling system can receive documents after normal business hours. Documents must be submitted by midnight, Eastern Standard Time to be considered filed on that day.

EF-7. Paper copies of efiled documents. Upon request of the CRB, a party filing a document electronically must promptly file a copy of the document with the CRB clerk. Documents requested by the CRB can be filed at the CRB from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on any day the CRB is open and can be done by hand-delivery or by U.S. mail, commercial or overnight delivery or inter-government mail. Requested documents shall be deemed filed upon actual receipt by the CRB.

EF-8. Proper use. The CRB’s efiling program can be used only for CRB case-related purposes.