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Current Participant FAQ's

Q: How do I get paid?
A: DC Career Connections participants get paid every two weeks on a Citibank Pay Card. Your card should arrive in the mail within 7-10 business days after you start Job Readiness Training. If your Pay Card does not arrive within that timeframe please contact Citibank’s Customer Service line at (877) 855-7201 to determine the status of your card and if necessary, reorder your card. 

Q: How does my Work or Training Site track the hours I work?
A: Good question! This is important – DC Career Connections participants are required to sign in and out at their Work or Training Site everyday they report. Site Supervisors (who have received payroll training) are required to enter these hours into the Division’s Electronic Time Management System by 12:00 pm every Friday. Site Supervisors are also required to save timesheets in the event payroll records need to be reviewed or corrected.

Q: Do I get paid for holidays?
A: No, DC Career Connections participants are only paid for the hours they work. 

Q: What do I do if I have other payroll questions?
A: Call (202) 698-5599 and ask to speak to the Division of State Initiatives’ Payroll Specialist.          

Q: What exactly is Work Experience (WEX) or subsidized employment?
A: Local government, non-profit, and private employers that have entered into agreements with DC Career Connections, provide subsidized work experience for program participants – where the employer provides the work, but DC Career Connections pays the participants a training wage for the work. 

Q: I need more time in my Work Experience phase, can I get an extension?
A: Some extensions are granted to participants on a case-by-case basis. Contact your Job Coach to determine if your situation qualifies. 

Q: What should I do if I’m in the program, but I’ve found a permanent job?
A:  Congratulations on your employment! Please notify your Job Coach so they can exit you from the Work Experience phase and enroll you in the Retention phase, which will make you eligible to receive financial bonuses if you hit certain benchmarks

Q: What are the Retention Bonuses?
A: Financial incentives that participants can get if they independently secure employment ($100), and maintain that employment for 30 days ($50), 90 days ($200), 180 days ($350), or 1 year ($450). 

Q: How do I get my Retention Bonus?
A: You must provide proof that you have worked, at minimum, an average of twenty-five (25) hours per week by submitting at least one paystub to your assigned Retention Specialist, Ms. McDonald. 
Ms. McDonald is available at 202-698-4213 or [email protected]