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Senior Community Service Employment Program

Eligibility Requirements:

In order to be eligible for the District of Columbia Department of Employment Services Senior Community Service Employment Program the individual must meet the following requirements:

DC residents 55 years of age or older

Income less than 125% of the federal poverty level

Be eligible to work in the US and have the mental and physical capacity to perform training-related activities for at least twenty (20) hours per week

Unemployed, not job-ready, and have low employment prospects*

*Note: Employed or recently laid off applicants are presumed to be job-ready and therefore ineligible for SCSEP. The program is solely for applicants who are not job-ready due to extended history of unemployment; have not been trained or certified in a trade or skill and have not participated in job-related trainings or programs. Job-ready applicants are referred to the American Job Centers for “one-stop” access to information and direct referrals to career-related resources.

Priority of Service is given to people who fit any of the following most-in-need criteria:

  • 65 years old or older
  • Disabled
  • Veteran
  • Homeless or at risk of homelessness
  • Limited English proficiency or low literacy

For more information on how to become a participant, emails us at:

Contact Email: 

[email protected]

Contact Phone: 

(202) 724-7000