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SIDES E-Response Employer Fact Sheet

SIDES E-Response Employer Fact Sheet

SIDES E-Response was developed through a strategic partnership between US Department of Labor and State UI agencies.SIDES E-Response enables the submission of complete and accurate employee separation information in a timely fashion by avoiding the need to receive and send paper mail. E-Response is ideal for Employers with a limited number of UI Claims.
The Problem
Responding to paper-based unemployment insurance (UI) information requests fully and within tight deadlines creates a significant and costly administrative burden on companies today, putting a strain on the bottom line.
The Solution
SIDES E-Response allows Employers to respond electronically to UI Request for Separation requests.
How It Works?
Employers receives an email notification of pending Request for Separation information. The email includes a URL and an authorization code that permits the employer login into the SIDES E-Response web site (PIN) and respond to questions electronically.
What It Requires?
SIDES E-Response requires a working internet connection, an active email account and an employee to submit electronic responses.
Need More Info?
In you are interested in additional SIDES E-Response information, visit the SIDES Web Site.
SIDES E-Response Benefits
  • Free, efficient electronic service.
  • Saves time and money.
  • Reduce paper handling and staff time.
  • Reduces postage costs and delivery delays of paper mail.
  • Help keeps UI rates as low as possible by reducing overpayment.
  • Reduces follow-up requests and phone calls.
To register click here to access the SIDES E-Response Registration page.