SIDES E-Response Process Overview
When a claimant applies for DC Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits, DOES UI sends a Separation Request form (Form # ESREQA) to the last employer via US Postal Service. The form requires the employer to enter separation information which must be completed in 10 days based on the request date, which is the date the form was mailed. DOES has automated this process using SIDES E-Response.
SIDES E-Response allows employers to access and update Separation Request forms electronically. Instead of paper, employers receive an email notification when they have Separation Requests pending. The email notification contains a URL and a PIN number required to access the web site and one or more Separation Requests.
SIDES E-Response uses standardized business rules and performs data validation to ensure the form is completed accurately. Completed forms are transferred electronically to DOES UI for processing in just a fraction of the time.
To utilize the SIDES E-Response web application, complete the online SIDES E-Response registration form. After entering the requested registration information and submitting the form online, employers will receive an email confirmation to validate the registration.
Once the confirmation email is received, DOES Unemployment Request form (# ESREQA) will no longer be mailed to your organization. Insurance (UI) Separation Requests are sent electronically to the SIDES E-Response web site and email notifications are sent to the addresses specified in your SIDES E-Response profile.
The email notification contains the following information:
- URL and a link to access the SIDES E-Response Web site
- Personal Identification Number (PIN) required to login.
To respond to a SIDES E-Response Separation information request, navigate to the SIDES E-Response web site, and login into web site using the following information:
- Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
- DC Employer Tax Account Number
- Personal identification number (PIN)
- Follow the SIDES E-Response online instructions to enter an Employee separation information. electronically.
Submit the completed form which will be routed to DOES UI office.
To register click here to access the SIDES E-Response Registration page.