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WOTC Modernization

As of October 1, 2024, the District of Columbia’s Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) program will transition to Geographic Solutions’ WOTC module as part of the agency’s modernization efforts. Please visit the District of Columbia’s Work Opportunity Tax Credit’s Modernization and Program pages for more information.

WOTC Modernization

The Department of Employment Services modernized the Work Opportunity Tax Credit Database and is Live and Now Available!

Big Updates! To ensure that employers and their third-party agents (TPAs), commonly referred to in WOTC as consultants or employer representatives, have a secure and efficient experience when using the new module. The WOTC module has been designed to make the online tax credit process seamless for all user groups. Agents have full access to the tools they need to represent employers and submit tax credit requests. Please consider the following for your immediate attention:
  • Employers and TPAs, be advised that WOTC Accounts are separate from Unemployment Insurance Tax or Workforce Recruitment Accounts.
  • Employer and TPA accounts that exists on the prior WOTC system with active determinations on or after January 1, 2017, will experience conversion into the new system.
Featured System Improvements:

Streamlined Application Submissions: The WOTC module includes capability for Employers and TPAs to upload large numbers of 8850 and 9061 applications, as well as upload a list of all their employer clients to streamline the application process. Entries per application are optional with an approved account. Uploads and entries are data validated.
Verification of Documents: WOTC staff can verify each employer and TPA, as well as receive alerts when verification documents are ready to be approved. Authorized staff can verify that TPAs have provided the appropriate Employer Representative Declarations (formerly Powers of Attorney), as well as other required documents.
Target Groups and State Accessibility:  The system enables verification of all current WOTC categories. Authorized staff may edit or inactivate current target groups, as well as add new groups, when necessary, to keep employers and TPAs aware of program and state accessibility and capabilities per established memorandums.
Customized and Enhanced Communications: Agents and employers can receive custom alerts to address issues of missing data or documentation, letters to address ineligibility, and tax credit awards. Any special requests or determinations are sent to the appropriate party through the system’s message center.
Future Automation and Developments: The WOTC module is built to and may interface with other systems to verify target groups. As each interface is implemented, a more efficient and faster turnaround of application determinations will be achieved.
Improved Staff Reporting Proficiency: The WOTC module allows for staff to run supplementary and required reports, such as the Summary Application Status, Employer and TPA reports, and WOTC tax credit awards by type. In addition, the system includes the ETA Form 9058, which is produced for federal reporting purposes.
Upgraded User Experience: The module allows for Employers and TPAs to run supplementary and required reports and provides a snapshot of WOTC application activities via a personalized dashboard.
Modernization Schedule
Task Date
Suspend ERD/POA Uploads on Current CSDC WOTC Database Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Final Day to Access for Pre-2017 Determinations with Existing Account Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Suspend Existing Accounts on Current CSDC WOTC Database Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Suspend Applications and Uploads on Current CSDC WOTC Database Friday, September 6, 2024
Suspend New Account Requests/Creation on Current CSDC WOTC Database Friday, September 6, 2024
Internal WOTC Transition to Geographic Solutions Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Internal WOTC System Transition End Monday, September 30, 2024
Go Live Tuesday, October 2, 2024
Access Existing Accounts on Current WOTC Database TBD
Accept New Account Requests on Geographic Solutions WOTC Database TBD
Accept ERD/POA Uploads on Geographic Solutions WOTC Database TBD
Final Day to Request Pre-2017 Determinations from WOTC Staff Friday, January 31, 2025
Review the Work Opportunity Tax Credit resources below.