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Program Applicant FAQs

Q: Who is the Project Empowerment program for?
A: Project Empowerment is a transitional employment program for District residents who is having trouble finding employment because of a multitude of barriers.

Q: What are the eligibility requirements?
A: To be eligible for Project Empowerment, an applicant must be a District resident, be unemployed, not be receiving TANF or Unemployment benefits, be drug free, and must demonstrate a substantial need for intensive employment assistance by exhibiting at least three barriers to employment.

Q: How do I enroll in the program?
A: Visit one of the District’s three American Job Centers and ask for a referral.

Q: How much does the program pay participants?
A: Project Empowerment pays participants a training wage of $9 per hour while they are enrolled in the program. Participants are able to work up to 40 hours per week.

Q: Is Project Empowerment only for individuals with a criminal record or formerly incarcerated individuals?
A: No, you do not need a criminal record to be eligible for Project Empowerment. However, prior criminal conviction or previous incarceration are a few of the barriers that can make you eligible for the program.

Q: What is the program’s drug policy?
A: Project Empowerment participants must be drug free. Participants are required to pass a urinalysis before being enrolled in the program and may be drug tested at any point throughout the program.

Q: What are the eligibility requirements?
A: To be eligible for Project Empowerment, an applicant must be between 22 and 54 years of age, be a District resident, be unemployed, not be receiving TANF or Unemployment benefits, be drug free, and must demonstrate a substantial need for intensive employment assistance by exhibiting at least three barriers to employment.

Q: Does Project Empowerment guarantee me a job?
A: No, Project Empowerment connects participants to employment and training opportunities. It is up to participants to use those opportunities to secure permanent unsubsidized employment.

Q: Can I do the program more than once?
A: If you have completed the program in the past two years you may not re-enroll in Project Empowerment. If you completed the program more than two years ago please call (202) 698-5599 and ask to speak with an Intake Specialist to determine if you are eligible to re-enroll.